Quarterly scientific journal "Machinery and technologies in livestock" ISSN 2713-2064, the publisher of which is FGBNY FNAC VIM, is published since January 2012.
Editorial policy. The main sections of the journal (in addition to reviewing and scientific editing, literary editing of scientific articles and illustrative material processing are carried out), current problems of APK innovative development are highlighted in the following thematic areas:
- innovative technologies and technical means of milk and beef production;
- innovative technologies and technical means of pig and combined feed production;
- energy and resource saving ecologically safe technologies and technical means of manure removal;
- organizational-and-economical problems of livestock mechanization and automation.
Publication ethicsThe Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief of the "Machinery and Technologies in Livestock" scientific journal adhere to the publication ethics' principles accepted by international community, reflected, in particular, in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) recommendations, and also take into account the valuable experience of reputable international journals and publishers.
The journal's editorial staff supports the great efforts of the editors, the authors' contribution and the respected reviewers' work. The Editorial Board is responsible for the publication system's smooth operation and ethical standards' compliance with editor help for author and reviewer their ethical responsibilities fulfilling.
The area of scientific editor's responsibility - The Scientific Editor confirms the submitted manuscripts' receiving within two working days from the date of their taking and ensures an effective, fair and timely process of review.
- The Scientific Editor would make efforts to ensure that submitted manuscripts are handled confidentially. Any data may be disclosed by the authors' team who manuscript's prepared won't be disclosed to anyone except reviewers until the moment of publication.
- The Scientific Editor must refuse manuscripts' processing if he has a conflict of interest with any of this manuscript's authors or institutions associated with this manuscript. In this case, the Editorial Board member who does not have a conflict of interest would start the manuscript processing.
- The Scientific Editor has the right to make a final decision on the manuscript's acceptance or rejection, taking into account the manuscript's significance, originality and clarity, as well as its relevance to the journal.
- The Scientific Editor must immediately respond and take reasonable measures in case of a complaint in regarding to the submitted manuscript or published article. Following the publication ethics' generally accepted rules, before taking any action, the Scientific Editor would contact with the manuscript's (article) authors to obtain appropriate clarifications. In cases provided for by generally accepted rules of publication ethics, the Scientific Editor provides the necessary actions of article's refutation or retraction from a journal publishing. The final decision on refutation or retraction by the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief of this journal is made.
The publication author's area of responsibility - The author wouldn't submit duplicate manuscripts (or manuscripts the same research results' describing) to several journals. Similarly, the author wouldn't submit for consideration materials previously published in any other journals and publications.
- The author must provide an accurate and concise research report of his study and his results' unbiased description.
- The author must honestly collect and interpret the data of his research. If it possible, the author should save the primary, raw data for any possible after the publication's audit of the research results.
- The author must ensure that the results presented by him are original. Plagiarism (illegal borrowing) in all its forms is unacceptable and contradicts the rules of publication ethics.
- The author must indicate all funding sources of the research, as well as declare any conflict of interest.
- The author should pay tribute to all who contributed the study. Who have made significant contributions to the study should as co-authors be listed. The author must make sure that all co-authors have confirmed the final version of the article and agreed to its publication.
- The author must immediately inform the Editor of this journal of any obvious errors in an already published article and sincerely cooperate with the Editor for article's reviewing or correcting. If the Editor is notified by any party other than the author that the published article contains an obvious error, the author must write a rebuttal or make a correction based on the publication's means.
The reviewer's area of responsibility - A reviewer who considers himself unqualified to assigned manuscript's reviewing or claims that he cannot meet the deadline for review's completing must immediately notify the Editor and the manuscript review process to abandon.
- The reviewer must inform the Editor and refuse the manuscript to review in case of a conflict of interest. In particular, the reviewer should refuse to review any manuscript where authored or co-authored is a person with whom the reviewer has an obvious personal or academic relationship, if this relationship may lead to bias.
- The reviewer should treat the manuscript confidentially. The manuscript should not be disclosed or discussed with other people, except authorized by the Editor.
- The reviewer must approach the work objectively. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.
- The reviewer must immediately notify the Editor of any similarities between the reviewed manuscript and another article known to him, by another journal published or reviewed. The reviewer should immediately draw the editor's attention to the manuscript containing, in his opinion, plagiarism or falsified data.
Goals: agriculture branch's innovative developments and best practices information
distribution promoting; the researchers' scientific level in the APK field improving; scientific publications' international level achieving; attention to scientific research the most relevant promising and innovative areas on the journal's theme attracting; national and foreign authors as specialists of the highest level in a journal involving; journal on Russian and international market promoting.
Target audience: APK research workers, post-graduates, students, chairmen and specialists.
The journal is one of the leading publisher in this industry's branch. During it lifetime the journal more than 2 thousand of articles registered in the scientific electronic library еLIBRARY.RU (RINZ) had published, the total number of citations was about 4000 references. The journal is ranked 76th place in the SCIENCE INDEX's rating on the topic "Agriculture and forestry" (out of 209 publications). The journal publishes scientific, industrial and informational materials of leading scientists, post-graduates and researchers, employees of advanced enterprises, revealing research methodology, experience in competitive products achieving based on innovative technology, automated control systems, resource-saving technologies using. The journal reflects the technical progress in the livestock production, basic products producing at mechanization and automation technologies development, their quality improving, attractive social conditions for farm workers and industrial complexes creating.
The journal's content timely manner on the journal page on the website of IMJ-a filial of the FGBNY FNAC VIM and eLibrary – scientific electronic library's website is displayed. The editorial Board of this journal consists of 16 well-known scientists and leading experts in the field: 6 RAS academician, 4 RAS corresponding member, 4 doctors of sciences and 2 candidate of sciences. The journal in Russian science citation index (RINZ) and the AGRIS FAO UNO international database is included. In accordance with the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 09, 2020 the Journal is included in the List of Peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for candidate of Sciences, Doctor of Sciences' degree should be published. Scientific specialties and their corresponding science branches, for the publication included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) are: 4.3.1. Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex (technical sciences); 4.3.1. Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex (agricultural sciences).